Moldova, Ukraine to cooperate in protection, development of Dniestre river

Moldova and Ukraine will cooperate in the protection and sustainable development of the Dniestre river basin. On January 10 the government approved an agreement on the matter, which was signed by the two states in Rome, Italy, by late November 2012.

The draft was presented at a cabinet meeting by Environment Minister Gheorghe Salaru. He said the agreement was elaborated in accordance with the commitments assumed by Moldova within the Convention on the protection and use of transboundary watercourses and international lakes.

The document aims at creating a law and organisational cooperation framework to ensure the rational use and protection of the water resources and other natural resources and the ecosystems of the Dniestre river basin for the benefit of the people and sustainable development of the signatory states.

Under the agreement, Ukraine and Moldova will cooperate in the lasting use of water, decrease in the level of water pollution in the Dniestre river, prevention from degradation and re-establishment of ecosystems, prevention and reducing the consequences of the harmful impact on waters, caused by natural and anthropogenic factors.

To meet the goals of the agreement, the sides will work out and carry out joint plans on management of Dniestre river basin, projects and measures for use, protection and re-establishment of the water resources and other natural resources and ecosystems in the Dniestre river basin.

Adapted from Moldpres