

Andrii Klymenko: The Global Sanctions Policy Must be Viewed as a Powerful Instrument of International Security

28 June 2024
Below is the text of the presentation by the Head of the BSN-BSISS Monitoring group Andrii Klymenko at the Crimean Expert Platform Conference, June 24, 2024, Kyiv

Database of Russian Missile and UAV Attacks on Ukrainian Regions from the Occupied Crimea in January-May 2024

27 June 2024
In January-May 2024, for attacks on regions of Ukraine from the occupied Crimea, Russian Armed Forces used at least: 19 Kalibr cruise missiles, 53 Iskander-type ballistic missiles, 1 P-800 Oniks anti-ship missile, 3 3М22 Zircon hypersonic cruise missiles, 807 Shahed-136/131 UAVs launched both from Crimea and regions of Russia, 305 Shahed-136/131 UAVs launched from Crimea without simultaneous launches from the Russian territory and 41reconnaissance UAVs of various types.

The Black Sea Report (Part 1 NEW). Losses of the Russian Navy in the Black Sea in 2022-2024. Updated database

24 June 2024
As part of the analytical report The situation in the Black Sea during the Russian aggression against Ukraine in 2022-2024, published in June 2024, the Monitoring Group of the Black Sea Institute of Strategic Studies and BlackSeaNews presents an updated database (as of 8 June 2024) of Russian warships, boats, and vessels destroyed or damaged by the Ukrainian Armed Forces since February 2022. As of 8 June 2024, the Russian fleet in the Black Sea suffered the following losses: 22 ships and boats were destroyed (excluding those damaged beyond repair); 20 ships and boats were damaged (including those damaged beyond repair).

217 Tankers Exported Crude Oil and Oil Products from Russian Black Sea Ports in May 2024: Database

21 June 2024
The Monitoring Group of the Black Sea Institute of Strategic Studies and BlackSeaNews, based on the results of its own monitoring, presents a database of seaborne exports of crude oil and petroleum products from Russian ports on the Black and Azov Seas in May 2024. In total, in May 2024, 217 tankers exported oil and petroleum products from Russian ports (excluding exports to Bulgaria and Romania). They transported a total of about 13.4 million tons of cargo, including 3.5 million tons of Russian crude oil (29 tankers), 6.3 million tons of Kazakh CPC crude oil (47  tankers), and 3.6 million tons of Russian petroleum products (141 tankers).

47 Tankers Exported Kazakh Oil from Russian Black Sea Port of Novorossiysk In May 2024: Database

20 June 2024
In May 2024, a total of 47 tankers exported CPC oil from the Russian port of Novorossiysk, excluding the exports to Bulgaria and Romania. Together they exported a total of about 6.3 million tons of oil, including 5.1 million tons to the EU and 1.2 million tons to other countries.

Russian Black Sea Ports Oil Product Imports to the EU Embargo: Database of May 2024 Violations

18 June 2024
In May 2024, 16 violations of the EU embargo on seaborne imports of Russian petroleum products (excluding crude oil) from the Black Sea were recorded. 15 of violations involved the delivery of petroleum products to a transshipment points in the Laconian Gulf off the coasts of Greece and Malta. One direct voyage was made to the USA. In May 2024, 549,518 tons of Russian petroleum products were delivered in violation of the embargo.

The Black Sea Report (5): The situation in the Black Sea as of April 2024 and ways to improve the AFU performance

14 June 2024
The redeployment of the ships to safer bases forced the Russians to designate new, more remote areas for launching missiles at Ukraine, giving Ukraine's air defense more time to react. Meanwhile, the possibility of being attacked at any time virtually throughout the Black Sea has strongly impacted the morale of Russian servicemen.

Russian Crude Oil Imports to the EU Embargo: Database of May 2024 Violations

14 June 2024
In May 2024, 1 violation of the EU embargo on seaborne imports of Russian crude oil from the Black Sea was recorded. It was involved the delivery of crude oil to a transshipment point in the Laconian Gulf off the coast of Greece. Shipowner from China performed this voyage. In May 2024, a total of 157,327 tons of Russian crude oil were delivered to the EU in violation of the embargo, compared with 199,352 tons in April 2024.

The Black Sea Report (4): Summary of the 2022-2024 Developments in the Black Sea Theater of Operations

14 June 2024
The BSF was supposed to become a battering ram that would break Ukrainian resistance from the south and facilitate the Russian offensive on land in Odesa, Mykolaiv, and Kherson regions. After the destruction of the missile cruiser Moscow on 14.04.2022, the sinking/disabling of other ships and vessels in the northern and northwestern part of the Black Sea, and the receipt and use by Ukraine of Harpoon and Neptune-type air defense systems, the BSFRF significantly reduced its presence off the Ukrainian coast.

The Black Sea Report (3): The main tasks of the Black Sea Fleet as of February 24, 2022

11 June 2024
The Black Sea Institute of Strategic Studies and the BlackSeaNews continues to publish the analytical report of the Monitoring Group: Situation in the Black Sea During the Russian Aggression Against Ukraine in 2022-2024.

The Black Sea Report (2). Composition of the Warring Parties' Forces and Russian Black Sea Fleet Objectives at the Opening Stage of Aggression

10 June 2024
On the eve of the large-scale aggression in February 2022, the Russian Black Sea Fleet (BSFRF) consisted of approximately 80 warships and boats and up to 200 support vessels stationed at 7 naval bases. At the same time, due to the chronic underfunding of the national fleet development programs, the Ukrainian Navy had a rather modest ship and boat composition. 

Database of Russian Missile and UAV Attacks on Ukrainian Regions from the Occupied Crimea in January-April 2024

15 May 2024
In January-April 2024, for attacks on regions of Ukraine from the occupied Crimea, Russian Armed Forces used at least: 15 Kalibr cruise missiles, 40 Iskander-type ballistic missiles, 1 P-800 Oniks anti-ship missile, 3 3М22 Zircon hypersonic cruise missiles, 687 Shahed-136/131 UAVs launched both from Crimea and regions of Russia, 255 Shahed-136/131 UAVs launched from Crimea without simultaneous launches from the Russian territory and 22 reconnaissance UAVs of various types.

Violations of the embargo on seaborne imports of Russian petroleum products from Black Sea ports into the EU in April 2024 (database)

14 May 2024
In April 2024, 25 violations of the EU embargo on seaborne imports of Russian petroleum products (excluding crude oil) from the Black Sea were recorded. All violations involved the delivery of petroleum products to a transshipment point in the Laconian Gulf off the coast of Greece. In April 2024, 869,882 tons of Russian petroleum products were delivered to the transshipment point.

Violations of the embargo on the imports of crude oil from Russia into the EU in April 2024 (database)

13 May 2024
In April 2024, 3 violations of the EU embargo on seaborne imports of Russian crude oil from the Black Sea were recorded. All of them involved the delivery of crude oil to a transshipment point in the Laconian Gulf off the coast of Greece. Two voyages were made by tankers belonging to companies from Greece. Shipowner from Marshall Islands performed one voyage. In April 2024, a total of 199,352 tons of Russian crude oil were delivered to the EU in violation of the embargo, compared with 696,330 tons in March 2024.

The Black Sea Report (Part 1). Situation in the Black Sea During the Russian Aggression Against Ukraine in 2022-2024.

11 May 2024
The Monitoring Group of the Black Sea Institute of Strategic Studies and BlackSeaNews presents the database of Russian warships, boats and vessels destroyed or damaged by the Ukrainian Defense Forces since February 2022.