

Violations of the embargo on the imports of crude oil from Russia into the EU in November 2023 (database)

08 December 2023
In November 2023, 5 violations of the EU embargo on seaborne imports of Russian crude oil from the Black Sea were recorded. Three of them involved the delivery of crude oil to a transshipment point in the Laconian Gulf off the coast of Greece. Another two violations were the shipments of crude oil from Novorossiysk directly to the port of ANCONA, Italy and CARTAGENA, Spain. Two voyages were made by tankers belonging to companies from Greece. Shipowners from Turkey, UK and Seychelles performed one voyage each. In November 2023, a total of 683,186 tons of Russian crude oil were delivered to the EU in violation of the embargo, compared with 274,240 tons in October 2023.

In November 2023, 36 Tankers exported Kazakh Oil from the Russian Black Sea Port of Novorossiysk (Database)

06 December 2023
In November 2023, a total of 36 tankers exported CPC oil from the Russian port of Novorossiysk, excluding the exports to Bulgaria and Romania. Together they exported a total of about 5 million tons of oil, including 3.1 million tons to the EU and 1.9 million tons to other countries.

153 tankers exported crude oil and petroleum products from Russian Black Sea ports in November 2023: The database

05 December 2023
The Monitoring Group of the Black Sea Institute of Strategic Studies and BlackSeaNews, based on the results of its own monitoring, presents a database of seaborne exports of crude oil and petroleum products from Russian ports on the Black and Azov Seas in November 2023. In total, in November 2023, 153 tankers exported oil and petroleum products from Russian ports (excluding exports to Bulgaria and Romania). They transported a total of about 10.2 million tons of cargo, including 2.7 million tons of Russian crude oil (21 tankers), 5 million tons of Kazakh CPC crude oil (36  tankers), and 2.5 million tons of Russian petroleum products (96 tankers).

Sanctions: Who has imposed more and whose are more effective? The comparative analysis of the content and scope of sanctions against legal entities

07 November 2023
The analysis has been made based on the database of legal entities subject to sanctions in connection with Russian aggression against Ukraine, maintained by the Monitoring Group of the Black Sea Institute of Strategic Studies since the beginning of Russian aggression. Ukrainian, US, EU, UK, and Canadian sanctions have been analysed.

Violations of the embargo on seaborne imports of Russian petroleum products from Black Sea ports into the EU in October 2023 (database)

07 November 2023
In October 2023, 21 violations of the EU embargo on seaborne imports of Russian petroleum products (excluding crude oil) from the Black Sea were recorded. 3 direct voyages with petroleum products from Russian ports to the ports of EU countries were made. The remaining 18 violations involved the delivery of petroleum products to a transshipment point in the Laconian Gulf off the coast of Greece. In October 2023, 106,447 tons of Russian petroleum products were delivered directly to the ports of EU countries and 723,899 tons were shipped to the transshipment point. A total of 830,346 tons of Russian petroleum products were delivered to the EU in October 2023 in violation of the embargo.

Violations of the embargo on the imports of crude oil from Russia into the EU in October 2023 (database)

07 November 2023
In October 2023, 2 violations of the EU embargo on seaborne imports of Russian crude oil from the Black Sea were recorded. One of them involved the delivery of crude oil to a transshipment point in the Laconian Gulf off the coast of Greece. The second violation was the shipment of crude oil from Novorossiysk directly to the port of MILAZZO, Sicily, Italy. Both voyages were made by tankers belonging to companies from Greece. In October 2023, a total of 274,240 tons of Russian crude oil were delivered to the EU in violation of the embargo, compared with 496,854 tons in September 2023.

A database of attacks by Ukrainian drones and missiles on the territory of occupied Crimea and Russian ships in the Black Sea in January-October 2023

07 November 2023
From January to October 2023, i.e., over 304 days, the Ukrainian Defense Forces carried out at least 155 attacks on targets in Crimean peninsula and Russian Black Sea Fleet, averaging one every other day. Among those: in Sevastopol – at least 37 attacks, or 24%; on BSF ships at sea – at least 19 attacks, or 12%; in Yevpatoriya, Saksky, Chornomorsky and Rozdolnensky districts (Western Crimea) – at least 25 attacks, or 16%; in Dzhankoy region— at least 14 attacks, or 9%; in Feodosia region – at least 12 attacks, or 7.6%; on Kerch Bridge – at least 4 attacks.

Deployment of Russian Warships in the Mediterranean as of November 1, 2023

04 November 2023
Just before the large-scale attack on Ukraine on February 24, 2022, Russia had formed in the Mediterranean Sea an unprecedented grouping of warships from all four of its fleets. Specifically, in the first decade of February 2022, Russia's «Mediterranean squadron» included 29 ships and boats, specifically: 11 missile ships, 6 large amphibious assault ships (LST), a patrol corvette, 2 minesweepers, an anti-submarine warfare boat, 2 reconnaissance ships, 4 auxiliary supply vessels, and 2 tugs. In the late summer of 2022, Russia began a gradual withdrawal of its main warships from the region. As of October 15, 2023, the number of Russian Mediterranean grouping has decreased by 5 times — from 29 ships and boats in February 2023 to merely 6 in October 2023.Currently it includes: 2 missile corvettes, an anti-submarine warfare boat, a reconnaissance ship, a supply tanker, a floating shipyard, and not a single tug.

182 tankers exported crude oil and petroleum products from Russian Black Sea ports in October 2023: The database

01 November 2023
The Monitoring Group of the Black Sea Institute of Strategic Studies and BlackSeaNews, based on the results of its own monitoring, presents a database of seaborne exports of crude oil and petroleum products from Russian ports on the Black and Azov Seas in October 2023. In total, in October 2023, 182 tankers exported oil and petroleum products from Russian ports (excluding exports to Bulgaria and Romania). They transported a total of about 12.9 million tons of cargo, including 3.5 million tons of Russian crude oil (28 tankers), 6.2 million tons of Kazakh CPC crude oil (45  tankers), and 3.1 million tons of Russian petroleum products (109 tankers).

In October 2023, 45 Tankers exported Kazakh Oil from the Russian Black Sea Port of Novorossiysk (Database)

31 October 2023
In October 2023, a total of 45 tankers exported CPC oil from the Russian port of Novorossiysk, excluding the exports to Bulgaria and Romania. Together they exported a total of about 6.24 million tons of oil, including 4.1 million tons to the EU and 2.1 million tons to other countries.

The operations of the Ukrainian temporary maritime export corridor from the ports of Greater Odesa (the database as of 16/10/2023)

17 October 2023
The Monitoring Group of the Black Sea Institute of Strategic Studies, based on its own monitoring, publishes a database of vessels that arrived in and departed from the ports of Greater Odesa along the new Ukrainian temporary maritime export corridor, which began operating on 16 September 2023. As of 16 October 2023, the number of ships that arrived along this corridor in the ports of Odesa, Chornomorsk, and Pivdenny to take on cargo is 31. Their total deadweight is 1.3 million tons. 17 vessels out of 31 have already left the ports with cargo and are on their way to or have already arrived in their ports of destination.

The transfer of cultural property in a wartime and the factor of the occupied Crimea

11 October 2023
Rule 41 of customary international humanitarian law states that the Occupying Power must prevent the illicit export of cultural property from occupied territory and must return illicitly exported property to the competent authorities of the occupied territory. However, the Russian Federation deliberately violates the provisions of international law and implements a state policy in the occupied territories of Ukraine aimed at destroying Ukraine's cultural heritage. Russia has organized the illegal large-scale export of cultural property from Ukraine. The organization of the illegal trafficking of cultural property from Ukraine is an element of Russian state policy.

Russia's use of the territory of occupied Crimea for aggression against Ukraine and creating a threat to the countries of the region in 2023

03 October 2023
The Monitoring Group of the Black Sea Institute of Strategic Studies and BlackSeaNews, based on the results of its own monitoring of Russian missile and unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) attacks on the regions of Ukraine from the territory of occupied Crimea in January-September 2023, publishes an analytical report and forecasts about further use by Russia of the occupied peninsula’s territory for aggression against Ukraine and creating a threat to the countries of the region in 2023. We hope that our experts’ opinions, conclusions, and forecasts will clearly demonstrate to politicians, diplomats, analysts, and journalists in countries supporting Ukraine's struggle against the Russian invasion that without the liberation of Crimea, it is impossible to talk about victory in this war.

Database of Russian Missile and UAV Attacks on Ukrainian Regions from the Occupied Crimea in January-September 2023

01 October 2023
Over the first 9 months of 2023, the Russian Armed Forces used the occupied Crimea to strike at the regions of Ukraine, including with: 230 Kalibr sea-launched cruise missiles – totaling 26 missiles monthly – from ships of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, whose main base is in the occupied Crimean Peninsula, 590 – 65 monthly —Shahed-136/131 UAVs, 40 Iskander ballistic missiles and 17 P-800 Oniks anti-ship missiles. The Monitoring Group of the BlackSeaNews and the Black Sea Institute for Strategic Studies Based on the results of our own monitoring presents the database Russian Missile and Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Attacks on the Regions of Ukraine from the Occupied Crimea in January-September 2023.

In September 2023, 41 Tankers exported Kazakh Oil from the Russian Black Sea Port of Novorossiysk (Database)

01 October 2023
In September 2023, a total of 41 tankers exported CPC oil from the Russian port of Novorossiysk, excluding the exports to Bulgaria and Romania. Together they exported a total of about 5.6 million tons of oil, including 3.2 million tons to the EU and 2.4 million tons to other countries.