Human Rights Abuses in Russian-Occupied Crimea

This report was written and published by Andrii Klymenko in accordance with the Atlantic Council and Freedom House and presented by the author in Washington, DC in March, 2015.

This report is part of the Atlantic Council’s Ukraine in Europe Initiative. The Initiative also includes the Ukrainian World Congress, the Smith Richardson Foundation, the George Chopivsky Foundation, Chevron USA, US State Department, and the Espirito Santo Financial Group.

The report is not a complete account of the many human rights violations in Crimea, but it makes clear that physical harassment, criminal prosecution, and forced emigration of potentially “disloyal” groups is part and parcel of Russia’s control strategy for the peninsula.


Foreword 1
Executive Summary 3
Human Rights Abuses in Russian-Occupied Crimea 4
Changing the Guard, Replacing the Population 6
Restricting Communication and Media: An "Information Ghetto" 8
Targeting Annexation Critics and "Disloyal" Groups  10
Property Rights 17
Conclusion 18
Appendix: Timeline of the Annexation 19




The Crimean Library section on the website has been created with the support of the European Program of the International Renaissance Foundation. The views of the authors do not necessarily reflect the position of the International Renaissance Foundation  


