Crimean Ministry of Resorts to publish catalogues on various types of tourism

This year the Crimean Ministry of Resorts and Tourism will publish a number of catalogues, devoted to various types of tourism at the peninsula.

The list of such catalogues will include the following: «Hotels and holiday mini-hotels», «Treatment and health improvement», «Wellness & SPA», «Ecological tourism in the Crimea», «The informative Crimea», «Gastronomic tours around the Crimea», «Congress tourism», «Children’s recreation and health improvement in the Crimea», «Active tourism in the Crimea», as well as a catalogue on the event tourism in the Crimea.

The total number of copies to be printed - 31 thousands in Russian and 5 thousands in English. The multimedia materials of these catalogues will be also prepared and posted in the Internet.

English Translation by BSN
Adapted from Kurortno-Informatsionny Tsentr
