80% of Bulgarians live in destitution

An average of EUR 288 is necessary for each member of a family of four in order for the household to be able to cover expenses.

These are figures from a survey over the maintenance of life in 2012 presented to the BNT by the Institute for Social Studies with the Confederation of Independent Trade Unions in Bulgaria (CITUB). The conclusion of the survey is that 80% of the Bulgarians live in destitution. Around 45% of households live on up to EUR 150.

In the capital Sofia life maintenance costs are considerably higher than in smaller settlements. Food in the capital costs more, dwelling expenses require a higher relative portion, but on the other hand unemployment is lower and salaries – higher. A large part of the life maintenance expenses – over 48%, go for food, especially meat and bread. Expenses on healthcare and education are shrinking.

Adapted from Bulgarian National Radio
