Moldovan cabinet approves energy strategy until 2030

On January 16 government approved the Energy Strategy until 2030, which provides for concrete steps for the development of the energy sector in Moldova.

The strategy describes the objectives, measures and activities meant to reach a more efficient energy complex, which would ensure Moldova's energy security, energy infrastructure modernization and renewable energy sources use.

Deputy Minister, Economics Minister Valeriu Lazar said that the strategy has three goals at its basis, namely: the security of the energy supplies, the development of the competition markets and their regional and European integration, ensuring of the environment sustainability and combating climate changes.

Also on January 16, the cabinet of ministers approved the national action plan in the field of energy efficiency for 2013-2015. Its main objective is to diminish the energy consumption and the greenhouse gas emissions.

The government is going to assign 240 million euros in order to implement this action plan.

Adapted from Moldpres

