Bulgaria is at the level of Ghana in property protection

Weak protection of property rights hinders the development of Bulgaria. According to the International Property Rights Index 2013, Bulgaria ranks as 58th out of 131 countries.

The International Property Rights Index is prepared by the Institute for Market Economics. The index accounts for the protection of property according to three factors: political and legal environment, the right to physical property and intellectual property.

Finland leads this year's ranking for the seventh consecutive year with 8.6 out of the maximum of 10 points. At the bottom of the list are Yemen with 3.1 points, while with the 5.5 points, Bulgaria is in the group of Turkey, India, Ghana and China.

Bulgaria has slightly increased its score over of 5.4 in 2012, but there were no significant reforms to improve the protection of property rights, the IME reports.

Adapted from standartnews
