More than 40% of Ukrainians want Russian to be the second state language

51% of the Ukrainian oppose granting the Russian the status of second official language, 41% - for, another 8% - are undecided. This is confirmed by a study conducted by the Sociological group «rating» on September 25 - October 5, 2012, reports UNN.

According to the report, over the past two years, the number of opponents and supporters of bilingualism almost leveled. However, in 2012 the level of support the provision of Russian a state language has fallen dramatically, especially during the second half of 2012.

Also, the rating reports that from 2009-2010, the level of support for the initiative was reduced from 52-54% to 41%, while the number of opponents has risen from 40-41% to 51%.

Among the biggest supporters of bilingualism - Donbass residents (75% of the South (72% and East (53%. 70% of Central and Northern Ukraine and almost 90% of the West - not to support the initiative. Granting the Russian language official status to the most support older people all - youth, more in urban than in rural areas.

Let us recall, the MP from the Party of Regions, Vladimir Zubanov noted that Ukraine is not possible in all areas to introduce Russian as a second state, because it is the language of the army and police, which is the only Ukrainian.

Adapted from UNN