Duration and amount of payment of maternity leave to be increased

The initiative was proposed by the Parliamentary Committee on Public Health.

In particular, it is proposed to make changes to the Labor Code, according to which, the maternity leave will be increased from 477 to 730 days, and not  126,  as now,  but 183 days will be paid, while in the case of  a difficult childbirth or the birth of twins - 200 days.

As for the amount of payment for maternity leave, if at present 600 GEL are paid for 126 days, after making changes 183 days will be paid at the rate of 1 000 GEL.

At the same time, the Trade Unions consider that the amount of payment of maternity leave should be increased to 1 500 GEL, and the rights of employees of private companies should be equated to the rights of public sector workers.

The draft, prepared by the Trade Unions, stipulates the prohibition of overtime for pregnant women, mothers of children up to 3 years if it is not their desire. According to the Trade Unions, the amendments are necessarily if the state does not want to face the demographic catastrophe.

At the same time, the Association of Employers announces that  they are against hasty changes to labor legislation.

Adapted from commersant
