Heavy snow in southern Turkish cities

Heavy snowfall in the country's southern provinces is causing difficult driving conditions, and many roads have had to be closed due to ice.

Ninety-three village roads in the provinces of Van, Bitlis and Muş were closed due to heavy snowfall on Tuesday. According to a statement issued by the Van Special Provincial Administration, municipal workers are endeavoring to keep routes to outlying villages open.

A forecast by the General Directorate of Meteorology predicts that snow will reach a depth of 85 centimeters in Bitlis. It has also issued an ice and frost warning for the city that will remain in effect for the coming days. Residents are asked to exercise particular caution when out at night.

Snow has already reached a depth of 7 centimeters in Erzurum and has caused problems for those trying to reach hospitals. Over the past two days, emergency services workers have had to assist 21 patients in getting to hospitals. The municipality is using salt on the roads in an attempt to keep them open.

Adated from Worldbulletin