Greece: Earthquake with the magnitude 4.7 / Map

According to the European-Mediterranean Seismological Center, the earthquake with the magnitude 4.7 has occurred in Greece on July 2, 2013 at 10:45 UTC (13:45 local time).

Parameters of the earthquake:

Magnitude mb 4.7 (according to the Geophysical Survey of RAS mb 4.9)
Date time 2013-07-02 10:45:22.0 UTC
Location 40.12 N ; 21.86 E
Depth 7 km
Distances 211 km S of Skopje, FYR of Macedonia / pop: 474,889 / local time: 12:45:22.0 2013-07-02
21 km S of Kozáni, Greece / pop: 36,481 / local time: 13:45:22.0 2013-07-02
6 km SE of Aianí, Greece / pop: 2,119 / local time: 13:45:22.0 2013-07-02


BSNews Reference Note:

Earthquake Hypocenter - the point of the beginning of a fault.

Earthquake Epicenter - the projection of the hypocenter onto the Earth's surface

Earthquake Magnitude - the amount of energy released by an earthquake in the form of seismic waves.

Earthquake intensity- a measure of amount of the earth tremors at the territory, covered by the earthquake; depends on of the magnitude and depth of the hypocenter.
Different countries use different scales of earthquake intensity. In Europe, Russia and the United States a 12-point scale is used.



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