17th Mediterranean Games began in Turkey's southern cities

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and President of International Olympic Committee (IOC) Jacques Rogge officially opened on Thursday the 17th Mediterranean Games in Mersin Stadium. 

2994 sportsmen from 24 different countries will compete in the games in this southern city of Turkey.  

Turkey is represented with 430 sportsmen in the games, followed by Italy with 421 and France with 258 sportsmen.  

Furthermore, Syria, which faces civil war, is attending the games with 9 sportsmen, behind Monaco with 11 and Malta with 12 sportsmen. 

The highest attendance in men's events is at athletics with 218 sportsmen.

The infrastructure for the games has been built up in 18 months, which could have been normally built up in 6 years. 

Mediterranean Village, which has 3500-people capacity, Mersin Station, which has 25,000-people capacity, and so many different and new sports facilities have been built to host the 17th Mediterranean Games.

Adapted from Anadolu
