Minister-delegate for Rivers Varga: There are no problems on the Danube or big rivers

17:34 07.06.2013

The current Danube flows do not indicate any danger of flooding in Romania as a result of floods in Austria and Hungary, Romania's Minister-delegate for Rivers, Forestry and Aquaculture Lucia Varga said.

«As far as the Danube is concerned, we have made an assessment this week to get ready to weather the flash flooding peak, which we are expecting in Romania around June 13-15. Data so far indicate the flows will be around 11,000 cubic metres per second, at the highest, which are comparable to those of this April. In case of more abundant precipitation, we will reassess the situation,» Varga told. 

She added that the big flows of the river caused by climate change can be kept under control if the Danube Meadows are redesigned. 

«On the other hand, we have to say that we will be able to better manage these big flows resulting from climate change if we redesign the Danube Meadows. Currently, there is a government decision being considered for an overhaul of the Danube Meadows design that entails strengthening the dams and levees where it is required, to defend the people against flooding,» said Varga. 

Adapted from Agerpres