Delegation of European Court of Justice visiting Bulgaria

President Rosen Plevneliev received in Sofia a delegation of the European Court of Justice, headed by its President Vassilios Skouris.

The visit is due to the invitation of the Supreme Court of Cassation in relation with a conference, devoted to court cooperation on legal civil and criminal issues. The vocation of the Court today is to keep on guaranteeing stability and the European integration, the president stated before the European judges.

He assured the delegation that this country would continue to comply strictly with the regulations of the European legislation. President of the institution Vassilios Skouris assed highly the cooperation with the Bulgarian courts. He also underlined how important it was the optimism and motivation of the EU leaders to be preserved, in order for those to work for a tighter integration in the name of the common future of all European countries.

Adapted from Bulgarian National Radio