Average monthly pay size in Moldova in January 2013 stood at about US$277

The monthly average salary/wage size in Moldova last January marked 3,413.8 lei (US$277.5), which is 8.8% more against the January 2012. With an account of the inflation rate, the salaries rose only 4%. At the same time, in comparison with the average wages in 2012, the salaries in January 2013 were 63.9 lei lower.    

According to the National Statistics Bureau, in the budgetary field, the average salaries went 5.6% up in a year – up to 2,997.8 lei, whereas in the real sector of economy – by 9.2%, up to 3,590.9 lei.     

Traditionally, the highest salaries were earned by employees of the financial sector – 6,681.5 lei (+12,9%), as well as by those working the field of heating, power energy, gas and water supply services – 5,250 lei (+10,6%).

The lowest salaries were recorded in the fishing sector – 1,850.1 lei (+20,6%), farming field and forestry – 2,025.9 lei (+14,1%).

The average salaries in the education sector increased 1.2% in a year, up to 2,736.3 lei, whereas in the field of healthcare and social protection – by 10.8%, up to 3,253.6 lei.   

The salaries of civil servants were raised 20.2% in a year, up to 4,158.3 lei.

Adapted from Infotag