Number of Russian tourists in Georgia grew by 72%

The number of Russian tourists in Georgia from September 2012 till February 2013, comparing with the same period of the previous year, grew by 72%. Over the last 5 months Georgia was visited by 204 thousand Russian tourists, and almost a half of them came to the country to see relatives and friends.

The number of Russian tourists in the same period of 2011/2012 amounted to 119 thousand people.

The research conducted by the National Tourism Agency states that Russian tourists stayed in Georgia for 26 days at the average and spent approximately 790 lari.

The list of the most popular destinations for Russians in Georgia is topped by Tbilisi and Batumi. They are followed by Mtskheta, Kutaisi, and Kobuleti.

Adapted from Business Грузия
English translation by BSNews