Sofia heating utility ready to enter winter mode

The heating utility in Bulgaria's capital Sofia announced it is ready to start providing heat to customers as of Monday if this is their wish.

«Nearly 75% of our customers pay regularly for the service, some 8% prefer to make just one installment per year and as that many have run into huge debts, amassed over five or more years,» Stoyan Tsvetanov, director of the company, commented in an interview for the state radio.

«Toplofikatsiya» has reminded day care directors, school principals and the management of hospitals that they need to apply in writing with the utility if they wish to have central heating turned on in advance of the regular schedule.

For tenants and residents of apartment buildings, if they wish to have the heat on earlier, they need to also apply in writing and the application must have signatures from all households there.

Adapted from Novinite