Romania to limit agricultural land sales to foreigners

Romania is now developing a set of measures, limiting the sales of agricultural land to foreigners after the land market liberalization, starting on January 1, 2014.

Such statement has been made by the Daniel Constantin, the Minister of Agriculture in Romania.

«Romania will take a number of measures, including the establishment of the State Land Property Agency, with the aim to limit the sales of agricultural land after the land market liberalization, starting on January 1, 2014», – the Minister has declared.

Daniel Constantin has underlined that «the top-priority attention in future will be paid to large investors and development of the competitive rural economy, while the profits, gained by foreign companies, must be reinvested into Romanian lands and not brought out abroad».

According to the latest data on the agricultural census, the total area of cultivated lands in Romania is 8.3 million hectares. At present approximately 10% of these areas belong to foreign companies or foreigners.

English translation BSN
Adapted from Ukrinform