More than 1000 pigs disappeared from the nidus of infection with African plague in Kuban

1200 animals were not exterminated in accordance with sanitary requirements and have disappeared without leaving a trace.

After the inspection, conducted by experts from the regional department of the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance, it has been established that the orders on liquidation of animals at small private farms of the first threatened areas are not executed. The experts have revealed a number of facts of considerable discrepancy between the numbers of pigs, expropriated from specific owners, and the numbers of pigs, registered at the moment of the African plague outburst.

They have also discovered that employees of the State Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance Service do not exercise due control over the work of safeguarding and quarantine posts. A part of disinfection barriers has been installed in such a way that vehicles pass them by.

English translation BSN
Adapted from Yugopolis